The Mississippi Prayer Call
The Mississippi Prayer Call was birthed from a simple “Yes.” While in the midst of a turbulent and taxing season in her life, Missionary Ellen Clark’s daughter asked if she and her sister could agree in prayer with her mother to which Missionary Ellen responded, “Yes!” The next day, she and her daughters began praying together, three times daily. This call to prayer is, in fact, not new to Missionary Ellen and her two daughters. After going through a devastating divorce, she and her then college-aged daughters would always turn to God for guidance in prayer, praying together daily. Now, nearly 15 years later, this passion to pray was reignited.
​After praying together with her daughters for a few short weeks, Missionary Ellen’s pastor announced that he felt led to have her head up a prayer conference call along with other ladies from their church congregation. Missionary Ellen was, of course, thrilled to do just that. However, much to her astonishment, her pastor asked that they pray three times a day. When she heard this, she could only laugh. God had already given her and her daughters the three times. Just like that, their prayer group grew from three to eight. Then, as led by the Holy Spirit, Missionary Ellen had another four prayer warriors join their expanding group, rounding the number out to 12 members. Even at that time, God was merely just getting started.
While visiting Mississippi, Missionary Ellen’s sister-in-law experienced the powerful effect of the then unnamed prayer call. After returning home, she began to tell everyone about “The Mississippi Prayer Chain.” Over several months, the name evolved to become The Mississippi Prayer Call. Within a year, more than 50 prayer callers and prayer warriors have joined in on the call, dialing in not only from Mississippi, but also from Texas, Arizona, California, Tennessee, Nebraska, New York, as well as other states. The group’s intercessory prayer warriors have heard countless testimonies of healing, provision, salvation, and restored relationships.
Looking back, it is hard to ever imagine that a simple “Yes” would serve as the launching pad for what would skyrocket into the Prayer call. The Mississippi Prayer Call is resounding proof that little is always made much when placed in God’s hands. Missionary Ellen can often be heard saying, “I take prayer seriously. This is no longer a calling, but an assignment from God.” It is truly just that--a heaven-sent assignment. From what began as a simple call between a mother and her daughters has now grown to impact lives across the country, and we all now know God has only just begun to scratch the surface. The nation and the world are waiting.