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A Season Of Gain!

When I heard of Chadwick Boseman’s death in August, I felt a certain heaviness. It felt like a gut punch. Here was a man, in his prime, who was suddenly lost at the hands of cancer. As a lover of the arts, it left like such a tremendous loss. As we look back over this year of 2020, it just seems like there is so much loss all around. There has been loss at the hands of disease: People are suddenly losing family members due to an unpredictable virus almost overnight with no end in sight. There has been economic loss with many losing their jobs, livelihoods, and homes. Sadly, many have lost hope and are taking their own lives as a result. For even the most steadfast believer, this year seems to be underscored with exceptionsl loss and many have written the year off. But, as a steadfast believer, we must also know this: the devil is the father of all lies. And accordingly, everything he says, the opposite is true. Instead of letting the enemy convince us that 2020 is a “dumpster fire” or that only loss can come out of this year, let’s believe the opposite – that 2020 is the year of gain! The year is not done, and neither is God. I declare that we will gain wisdom, faith, new beginnings, perspective, time, peace, and a deeper relationship with our Savior. 2020 is not about loss, it’s about gain!

To the tree being pruned, the cutting back of its branches felt like loss. But in the spring – its due season – the pruning looked like flourishing! Let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. It’s not about what it feels like right now. It’s about what it’s going to look like in due season. Don’t get so caught up in how it feels to be in pruning season that you take your eyes off the due season ahead. That layoff feels like hardship, but in due season it will look like promotion. That application rejection feels like another disappointment right now, but in due season it will look like a launching pad into entrepreneurship. That diagnosis feels like the end, but in due season it will look like a testimony of God’s faithfulness. Not convinced? Consider the apostle Paul. In Philippians he said, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul literally lost his sight and gained vision! (That will preach all by itself!) There is no loss in Christ Jesus because even death is gain! Hold fast to that! Change your perspective, prayer warriors. Know that what the enemy says to you today and henceforth, the opposite is true. Let that take root in your soul – that 2020 is the year of gain for the believer! Walk in expectation. God is not done – not even close!


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